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Wednesday, October 31, 2018

ESCP and its EMC would like to congratulate Quentin Laroche, Simone Quarta, Alexandre Lorot, Rafael Moreno Ome and Stefano Minadakis, MSc in Energy Management Students for being selected to speak at the “Youth Day 2018: Dialogue of Generations" representing the United Kingdom. They had the opportunity to discuss the "Future of work in energy" directly with top-level executives from leading companies such as: Shell, OMV, Uniper. The debate was opened by Alexey Miller, chairman of the Management Committee, PJSC Gazprom. The main issues discussed were:

  • Digital technologies in energy
  • The future of the industry
  • New generation of employees and the skills set required

To read more, click here.

Upcoming events in London

1. Invited Talk on "Beyond the Evaluation: Keys Insights for a Successful M&A transaction in Oil & Gas" with Eric Descourteux, CFO of Trident Energy and ESCP Master in Management Alumnus  (Class of 1988) on 16 November, 2018.
2. Invited Talk on "Trawling between Hopefulness and Hopelessness: Some Recent Examples from Economics to Energy Policy" with Michael Jefferson, Editor of the journal Energy Policy and the first Chief Economist of the Royal Shell Group on 20 November, 2018.
3. ESCP Energy Trading Challenge taking place on 22 & 23 February 2019, organised by our Energy Society, in collaboration with Smart Global, the School, and its EMC.

Energy Programmes at ESCP:

We would like to extend a very warm welcome to our sixth intake of students on our MSc in Energy Management programme - This year sees students representing 13 nationalities working together on a programme that always bridges cultural divides in the pursuit of a common goal. To find out more, please contact Viktorija Nikitina at [email protected] or +442074438873

We also welcomed the new cohort of participants on our part-time Executive Master in Energy Management programme formed by top-tier professionals from all over the world. Individual modules from this programme are offered as an optional study track. For more information, contact Crochenka McCarthy at [email protected] or +44 (0)20 7443 8823.

Finally, to keep up-to-date on all activities at the Centre, we invite you to join our LinkedIn group, Energy Management @ ESCP Business School.

Conferences & Workshops
EMC Invited Talk Series
16 November 2018 | ESCP's London Campus

Beyond the Evaluation: Keys Insights for a Successful M&A transaction in Oil & Gas

The energy industry represents one of the most amazing, dynamic, but also unpredictable sectors across the world. As the oil supply-demand balance is regularly on the edge and highly influenced by geopolitics, oil price volatility will continue to shape strategy for this capital-intensive industry.

The recent low oil price environment boosted M&A activity in the sector. Oil and Gas businesses must maximise benefits from the M&A process. Mergers provide the opportunity to high grade portfolios in line with strategy, drive operational efficiencies and capture the full synergy potential.

EMC Invited Talk Series
20 Novermber 2018 | ESCP's London Campus

Trawling between Hopefulness and Hopelessness: Some Recent Examples from Economics to Energy Policy

Speaker: Michael Jefferson, Editor of the journal Energy Policy and the first Chief Economist of the Royal Shell Group.

We were delighted to host a thought-provoking discussion on ''Trawling between Hopefulness and Hopelessness: Some Recent Examples from Economics to Energy Policy" with distinguished speaker and EMC Advisory Board Member Dr Michael Jefferson, Editor of the journal Energy Policy, and the first Chief Economist of the Royal Shell Group.

When: Tuesday, 20 November
Where: Room G62, ESCP's London Campus
Start time: 06:00 pm
End time: 08:00 pm

ESCP Business School & EMC
22nd & 23rd February | ESCP's London Campus

ESCP Energy Trading Roundtable 2019

The ESCP Energy Society in collaboration with Smart Global, the Energy Management Centre (EMC) and ESCP hosted a round-table discussion on "2019: What does the future hold for oil & gas markets?" held in tandem with the ESCP Energy Trading Challenge 2019. This year's event was sponsored by Glencore.

The discussion took place on 22 February at ESCP's London Campus, the debate brought together world-class academics, top industry experts, and young talent from across the globe.

Academic Programmes

London - Paris - Internship


London - Paris - Berlin - Madrid - Consultancy Project

Our Mission

The EMC Advisory Board

The EMC Advisory Board is comprised of top energy experts from the world's industry leaders in both the public and private sectors.

  • They advise the EMC in several different areas:The curricula of the MSc in Energy Management and Executive Master in Energy Management, ensuring both programmes meet the needs of participants on academic and professional levels.
  • Research that makes significant impact on best business practices.
  • Current and future activities which benefit the EMC's partners, affiliates, students and alumni.

Views on Energy News

Centre News
Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Leaked information, data theft and manipulation are some of the biggest threats that organisations face in the digital era. Companies must build a resilient environment in order to protect their stakeholders against unauthorised access to data and computerised systems. 


Thursday, October 25, 2018

ESCP Business School and its Energy Management Centre (EMC) are delighted to announce that our sixth cohort of MSc in Energy Management students recently nominated the board members of the School’s Energy Society.

Board members provide leadership for carrying out the society’s initiatives and engage ...

Monday, October 29, 2018

We would like to congratulate Quentin Laroche, Simone Quarta, Alexandre Lorot, Rafael Moreno Ome and Stefano Minadakis, ESCP MSc in Energy Management Students for being selected to speak at the “Youth Day 2018: Dialogue of Generations" representing the United Kingdom.

The event brought together the ...

Working Papers
EMC Working Papers

The shale gas revolution has made the United States, Canada’s only customer of its natural gas exports, the number one competitor of Canada. Therefore, finding an alternative natural gas customer overseas is crucial for the Canadian economy. However, the country is unable to do so due to an absence of LNG export terminals in the short term. At the same time, a window for new market entrants has opened in China from recent deregulation of its natural gas import barriers and an increase in demand.

This paper proposes to export Canadian natural gas to China through the U.S. in the short run in order to secure long-term contracts.


Max Jizhou Tang
EMC Working Papers

The great rivalry between the United States and China will shape the 21st century. It is a truth universally acknowledged that a great power will never voluntarily surrender pride of place to a challenger. The United States is the pre-eminent great power. China is now its challenger. 

“The only indispensable superpower” is also a super-indebted power, and its biggest creditor happens to be its presumed chief strategic rival. Is it logical and workable to encircle one’s own banker militarily?



The ESCP Energy Community



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