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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

The EMC's Mission is to build a strong strategic partnership between energy corporations, government agencies, and the academic community, in preparation for a new energy era. This will be achieved through the promotion of rigorous and objective empirical research on issues related to energy management, finance, and policy, in order to support decision-making by both government and industry. The results of EMC's research will become available to the public through publications, workshops and conferences, educational programmes and other public outreach activities.

Conferences & Workshops
ESCP Business School & EMC
22 -23 February | ESCP London Campus

ESCP Energy Trading Roundtables 2018

2018: The Year of the Bull or the Bear for the Oil & Gas Markets?

The ESCP Energy Society in collaboration with Smart Global, the Energy Management Centre (EMC) and ESCP hosted two roundtable discussions on "2018: The year of the Bull or the Bear for the oil & gas markets?" held in tandem with the ESCP Energy Trading Challenge 2018

The event took place on 22 and 23 February at ESCP's London Campus, the discussions will bring together world-class academics, top industry experts, and young talent from across the globe.

Affiliates Events
3-5 May | Wyndham Grand Hotel, Athens

3rd HAEE Conference: Energy Transition: European and Global Perspectives | International Event

ESCP Business School and its Energy Management Centre (EMC) participated as Knowledge Partners at the 3rd HAEE Energy Conference organised by the Hellenic Association for Energy Economics (HAEE) on 3 - 5 May 2018 in Athens, Greece.

Which are the energy revolutions of the 21st century? Which are the geopolitics of energy? Can we foresee the future of green transportation? How can the energy storage be assured? Will renewables increase their share in the immediate future? Will the new "EU winter package" become a new successful energy policy for the Europeans?


Latest News
Tuesday, November 7, 2017


ESCP Business School and its Energy Management Centre (EMC) are delighted to announce that our fifth fourth cohort of MSc in Energy Management students recently elected the board members of the School’s Energy Society.

The Board provides leadership for carrying out the Society’s activities and engage ...

Our Mission

The EMC Advisory Board

The EMC Advisory Board is comprised of top energy experts from the world's industry leaders in both the public and private sectors.

They advise the EMC in several different areas:

  • The curricula of the MSc in Energy Management and Executive Master in Energy Management, ensuring both programmes meet the needs of participants on academic and professional levels.
  • Research that makes significant impact on best business practices.
  • Current and future activities which benefit the EMC's partners, affiliates, students and alumni.

Academic Programmes

London - Paris - Internship


London - Paris - Berlin - Madrid - Consultancy Project

Views on Energy News

The ESCP Energy Community



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