The EMC's Mission is to build a strong proactive partnership between energy corporations, government agencies and the academic community, in preparation for a new energy era. This will be achieved through the promotion of rigorous and objective empirical research on issues related to energy management, finance and policy, in order to support decision making by both government and industry. The results of EMC's research will become available to the public through publications, workshops and conferences, educational programmes and other public outreach activities.
Conferences & Workshops
ESCP Business School & EMC
22nd - 24th May
ESCP's Paris Campus - 79, Avenue de la République, 75011
35th Annual Conference of the French Finance Association (AFFI)
ESCP was proud to host the 35th International Conference of the French Finance Association at its Paris Campus. The conference was jointly organised by ESCP and the Laboratory of Excellence for Financial Regulation (LabEx-ReFi), a research centre dedicated to the evaluation of regulation policies, created as an initiative of CNAM, ENA, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, CNRS and ESCP.
Interested scholars and practitioners were welcome to submit papers in all areas of finance and to participate in the discussion of the latest theoretical and empirical research. Authors of accepted papers were expected to act as chair and/or discussant of a paper in their field.
Affiliates Events
FT Digital Energy Summit
ESCP Business School and its Energy Management Centre are proud to support the FT Digital Energy Summit.
Despite continued uncertainty for the future shape of energy, it is clear digital technology will be critical to success. As the contours of this new energy world slowly come into focus, companies are anxious for lessons from early digital pioneers on: digital transformation impact on workplace culture and workforce, implementing innovative technologies at scale, enhancing efficiency and productivity across value chains, and role of AI and obstacles to adoption.
Centre News
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Madame Nicole Fontaine: a passion for Europe until her last breath
A great figure of Europe has just passed away. The European flame will last, thanks to her commitment, throughout her life.
Nicole Fontaine was a woman and a friend who always carried and fostered the values of Europe deep within her. ...
Our Mission
The EMC Advisory Board
The EMC Advisory Board is comprised of top energy experts from the world's industry leaders in both the public and private sectors.
- They advise the EMC in several different areas:The curricula of the MSc in Energy Management and Executive Master in Energy Management, ensuring both programmes meet the needs of participants on academic and professional levels. - Research that makes significant impact on best business practices. - Current and future activities which benefit the EMC's partners, affiliates, students and alumni.
Academic Programmes
London - Paris - Internship
London - Paris - Berlin - Madrid - Consultancy Project
The ESCP Energy Community