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Wednesday, July 11, 2018

We are delighted to announce that the third edition of the ESCP Energy Trading Challenge (ETC) will take place in February 2019 at our London Campus. This competitive team event will bring together talented students from the world’s best universities, top energy experts and industry practitioners to discuss the latest challenges and opportunities available therein. The ETC is organised by our MSc in Energy Management (MEM) students, in collaboration with Smart Global, the School, and its EMC.

Do you want to experience a real-world example and a taste of the industry? We invite you to watch the highlights of the 2018 ESCP ETC here. More details of the 2019 ETC will be announced soon. Stay tuned!

We would like to remind you about our upcoming activities:

1. Online Info Session for the Energy Programmes: If you are interested in joining our postgraduate MSc in Energy Management (MEM) or the Executive Master in Energy Management (EMEM), we would like to invite you to join our online info session on 18th July. To register, click here.
2. The FT Digital Energy Summit taking place on 18th September in London, organised by The Financial Times Live

Energy Programmes at ESCP:

Admission process for the 2018 intake of our MSc in Energy Management (MEM) and Executive Master in Energy Management (EMEM) programmes is open. Individual modules from the EMEM programme are offered as an optional study track. Admissions for the programmes operate with rolling deadlines. To find out more please contact Crochenka McCarthy at: [email protected] or +44 (0)20 7443 8823.

To find out more about the MEM programme, please contact Viktorija Nikitina at [email protected] or +442074438873.

Finally, to keep up-to-date on all activities at the Centre, we invite you to join our LinkedIn group, Energy Management @ ESCP Business School.

Conferences & Workshops
ESCP Business School & EMC
22nd & 23rd February | ESCP's London Campus

ESCP Energy Trading Roundtable 2019

The ESCP Energy Society in collaboration with Smart Global, the Energy Management Centre (EMC) and ESCP hosted a round-table discussion on "2019: What does the future hold for oil & gas markets?" held in tandem with the ESCP Energy Trading Challenge 2019. This year's event was sponsored by Glencore.

The discussion took place on 22 February at ESCP's London Campus, the debate brought together world-class academics, top industry experts, and young talent from across the globe.

Affiliates Events
18th September | London

FT Digital Energy Summit

ESCP Business School and its Energy Management Centre are proud to support the FT Digital Energy Summit.

Despite continued uncertainty for the future shape of energy, it is clear digital technology will be critical to success. As the contours of this new energy world slowly come into focus, companies are anxious for lessons from early digital pioneers on: digital transformation impact on workplace culture and workforce, implementing innovative technologies at scale, enhancing efficiency and productivity across value chains, and role of AI and obstacles to adoption.

Centre News
Wednesday, June 27, 2018

ESCP's students on the MSc in Energy Management (MEM) and Executive Master in Energy Management (EMEM) attended a week-long International Seminar in Washington, DC & Houston, TX  from 17th-22nd  June.  This annual study trip was organised by ESCP with the support of its Energy Management Centre.

Our ...

Academic Programmes

London - Paris - Internship


London - Paris - Berlin - Madrid - Consultancy Project

Our Mission

The EMC Advisory Board

The EMC Advisory Board is comprised of top energy experts from the world's industry leaders in both the public and private sectors.

- They advise the EMC in several different areas:The curricula of the MSc in Energy Management and Executive Master in Energy Management, ensuring both programmes meet the needs of participants on academic and professional levels.
- Research that makes significant impact on best business practices.
- Current and future activities which benefit the EMC's partners, affiliates, students and alumni.

Views on Energy News

The ESCP Energy Community



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