The IEA reports that the energy industry is widely regarded as one of the least gender diverse sectors of the economy. To accelerate a global clean energy transition, it is essential to adopt innovative and inclusive solutions and to embrace greater participation from a diverse pool of talent.
Latest News:
Earlier this month, we interviewed Salomé Germain Trigano, Strategic Consultant at Atlante. She tells us how crucial gender diversity and inclusion in the industry is and how she supports ENGIE’s Fifty-Fifty programme.
Upcoming Events:
1. Info Session: If you are interested in joining our postgraduate MSc in Energy Management (MEM), we would like to invite you to join our online on 7th June. To register, click here. 2. The 6th HAEE Energy Transition Symposium will take place from 28th September to 1st October. The event is organised by the Hellenic Association for Energy Economics (HAEE), Greek affiliate of the International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE).
Views on Energy News:
Special thanks to Dr Mamdouh G Salameh, Visiting Professor at ESCP Business School and John Valentino, International Clients Director at Centrus Energy and Graduate of ESCP Business School’s Executive Master in Energy Management and for their great contribution to this section.
Finally, to keep up-to-date on all activities at the Centre, we invite you to join our LinkedIn group, Energy Management @ ESCP and follow us on Facebook.
Affiliates Events
28th September - 1st October
6th HAEE Energy Transition Symposium
ESCP Business School and its Energy Management Centre (EMC) took part as Knowledge Partners at the 6th HAEE Energy Symposium organised by the Hellenic Association for Energy Economics (HAEE) from Tuesday, 28 September to Friday, 1 October 2021.
The 6th HAEE Energy Transition Symposium offered the unique opportunity for a thorough exchange of experience and knowledge in the important global energy sector.
Latest News
Monday, April 26, 2021
The IEA reports that the energy industry is widely regarded as one of the least gender diverse sectors of the economy. To accelerate a global clean energy transition, it is essential to adopt innovative and inclusive solutions and to embrace greater participation from a diverse pool of talent.
Salomé ...
Our Mission
The EMC Advisory Board
The EMC Advisory Board is comprised of top energy experts from the world's industry leaders in both the public and private sectors.
- They advise the EMC in several different areas: The curricula of the MSc in Energy Management, ensuring both programmes meet the needs of participants on academic and professional levels.
- Research that makes a significant impact on best business practices.
- Current and future activities which benefit the EMC's partners, affiliates, students and alumni.
Academic Programme
London - Paris - Internship