Dr Vlasios Voudouris, CIBS Director, was invited by Chatham House and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) to contribute to future trends in the energy sector as part of an important review of EBRD's Energy Operations Policy.
The workshop brought together a select group of leading figures in the energy sector, from industry, academia and civil society, to discuss key issues that are of particular relevance to EBRD regions and activities.
The Energy Operations policy was last revised in 2006 and sets the parameters for the EBRD's work in the energy sector. It therefore shapes and frames not just the EUR 1.5 billion typically invested each year in this area, but also the policy dialogue and technical cooperation activities at both a national and international level.
The 2013 policy review takes place against the backdrop of a challenging and uncertain environment. Governments, regulators, investors and civil society organisations must deal with the multiple challenges of energy security, affordability and the climate change agenda at a time of economic and financial weakness across the world. A revised policy should set an agenda that ensures that key resources are deployed to the greatest effect in the coming years. The aim of the event was to ensure that a revised policy is informed by the best possible thinking and that it can have the most positive impact in the EBRD countries of operation.