About the EMC

The EMC's Mission is to build a strong proactive partnership between energy corporations, government agencies and the academic community, in preparation for a new energy era. This will be achieved through the promotion of rigorous and objective empirical research on issues related to energy management, finance and policy, in order to support decision making by both government and industry.

About the Centre

Few would dispute the assertion that we are entering a new energy era: global demand for oil booms as supplies dwindle; price volatility and geopolitical instability are increasingly common, as are globalisation and market deregulation; and all the while environmental concerns grow. Both collectively and individually these factors call for a significant restructuring of the energy sector to improve efficiency and develop new sustainable energy sources.

The challenge is primarily technological but also managerial. Considering the amount of capital needed to boost energy supplies and promote the necessary technological innovations in a world of high uncertainty, expertise in project management, supply chain, finance, human resource, and organizational management are of the utmost importance for decision making and forming policy.

Bringing together the expertise of its faculty and its many external international associates, the objective of the Energy Management Centre (EMC) at ESCP Business School is to cooperate with, and possibly assist, key industry players to facilitate the integration of managerial and technological skills.

The results of EMC's research will become available to the public through publications, workshops and conferences, educational programmes and other public outreach activities. Research at EMC will be enhanced through direct cooperation with government agencies, and academic and industry associates from across the globe.

EMC's activities will also add value to our corporate and government partners, with whom we are working in close cooperation to provide on-demand, customisable solutions to:

    • Evaluate and benchmark in-company practices
    • Disseminate best practices within the group
    • Identify appropriate solutions to specific problems
    • Design and develop well-fitted training programmes
    • Enhance a company's reputation with and attractiveness to potential partners or stakeholders
    • Consult on issues related to energy policy  


Are you ready to recast yourself and stand out from the crowd?

Studying Energy Management at ESCP Business School can open new doors for you in this dynamic industry


Activity Agenda

Mar 2025
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29 MARCH 2025

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